Now, this isn't because I have stopped the Weight Watchers or working out. I just haven't had a whole lot to report.
My weight loss since Maleless has been minimal. Mainly, on the shy side of a pound or so. I have been content thinking, "At least I didn't gain!" Which with Maleless is a good thing. But I was a little sad, because I was doing well with my points (I thought) why no progress?
Well, it doesn't help that I have a really old fashioned scale:

Of course, he is under the "If you feel better, then good" philosophy of weight loss. But I am a girl...I want results and I want satisfaction for denying myself my dear sweet french fries. Now, I don't weigh myself too often...usually twice a week. For my official weigh in on Fridays and usually on Sunday or Monday as well. However, on these mid week weigh ins I typically weigh less than I do on Friday. Is this because I splurge my extra points on Thursday night? Or is this the weight loss gods way at a joke? Either way, I'm not happy.
This morning, I stepped on the scale and saw a loss of 3 LBS! Again, this is the type of scale if you lean forward you are a pound lighter and back a pound heavier...I always lean forward, so it is accurate, right? But three pounds! That is a big even bigger deal because that takes me to 10 lbs lost and into a a lower poundage know being a 138 and going into the 120s (I am not that light or small, at 5'10" I just want to say it to make myself feel better, okay?). I haven't been in this weight bracket in awhile! granted I'm a 9 on the decade, but still...WOOHOO!
So my question to y'all is, do I count it? Do I signify this weight loss and put it into the Bug Mover or wait to weigh in on Friday and just take this as an emotional victory?
***Even though all of you said to count it...I decided to see what I weighed this morning and count that! It was just 2 lbs difference. I know I should count everything but I want to be true to the process and not have a gain later cause I overestimated my loss. Thanks for the sure made me feel good!