This is Me and B.Betty in sophomore year, last year in DC, and at my graduation
Buffalo Betty is someone that must be talked about, praised, and revered.
The Story of Buffalo Betty
Buffalo Betty was the coolest girl on my freshman hall.
We all thought so.
She was the most outlandish, the most fun, the most silly
(well, I might have competed with the silly...I did run around the hall with an eater bunny costume more than necessary)
She is called Buffalo Betty because she decided the answer to "what is your major/what do you want to do with your life?" Warranted the answer, "Wildlife Psychologist...I'm going to commune with the Buffalo." And no her name is not Betty.
Buffalo Betty and I roomed together for one glorious year in sophomore year and then she left for cheaper, warmer pastures at University of Florida (Stupid Gators).
Despite distance and time, we have been great friends since. As has most of our freshman hall (well most of them anyway). We were a small hall (22 girls?) and the majority of us (12) still keep in contact.

This is us at orientation week (o-week for those in the know) competition

And this is our first football game! Notice Buffalo Betty in the center as always!
The reason may be because of Maleless:
The Story of Maleless
Maleless is a retreat that us girls formed in spring of our freshman year because we were all (for the most part) without boyfriends or just ticked at them and wanted to get away. Those who did have males in their lives complained that they didn't have Mail in their boxes...so they qualified for the retreat. We congregated at one girl's local house (Natalie Bebop's--no, not her real name either...I'm big on the nicknames), drank lots of liquor (they did, I didn't drink at the time...but I poured with a heavy hand), and talked about...well...boys. And we've gone back every year. Some years Maleless if forfeited for everyone to attend one of the girl's weddings, but it has been a great tool to see everyone. There is drinking, eating, swimming, skiing, drinking, eating, game playing, talking talking talking talking and drinking. It is a good time.

This is Me and Meep (another nickname) and a bunch of the girls from my wedding
Maleless is coming up this next weekend. And I can barely contain my excitement.
A sidenote: Look through the pictures...do you notice anything? Oh yeah, me rocking the jean jacket. No these pictures were not taken all at one time...I have loved, Love, and will continue to love my jean jacket. An Ode to Jean Jacket forthcoming.
You are stinkin' hilarious!
oh the jean jacket. i truly love mine. it took me years to convince the husband of their coolness. finally i won :)
hope you have tons of fun at your upcoming maleless weekend!!
hey rock out the jean jacket I love mine. I do have a slight problem with it I'm curious if you have the same thing... I wont wear it with jeans. You simply cant wear to different shades of denim or at least I cant. And you cant wear it with the same shade cause then it looks like your in the jean army or something. So I always wear it with khakis or some kinda different material capris. and since I've had kids I find wear light color pants is well... just stupid. so now it doesnt get worn as often and I'm sad.
so am i the only one who thinks this way?
Yea! I'm so happy for you. Have and AWESOME time. Have you considered live-blogging Maleless this year?
And yes, you are the one who brought back the jean jacket. You rock.
What wonderful memories! Fun times. And I am glad you have more to look forward to. Have a blast at Maleless!
Man, I don't think I'm prepared for all the paparazzi who stalk your blog and my newfound fame :) I heart you big time, ADawg! And the running jean jacket theme is priceless- you really could give Cosmo a run for her money. Can't wait to see you!! Hmm, live blogging at Maleless... could be great or incredibly incriminating.
BTW- Totally forgot about you scaring IV with the easter rabbit head and her jumping up onto her dresser in the closet! Good times.
I have never really ever liked my jean jacket. I thinkt hey are cute, but could never fall in love with one that I bought
I have never really ever liked my jean jacket. I thinkt hey are cute, but could never fall in love with one that I bought
I love, love, love the idea of Maleless!!! You are inspiring a great idea...what if we do a Blogless??
A blogger girls weekend without our blogs!! Could we survive?
Thanks for sharing the pictures :) Hope you had a great weekend!
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