Yes, that is right, peeps...I considered myself a tomboy until 4 or so years ago.
I wasn't the uber sport jock (way too klutzy for that) or gross-talking-and-smelling-tomboys. I just always hung out with guys:
I have two brothers and all of our family friends growing up had three boys the same age as us. NO GIRLS. So I learned at an early age to not be too girly as a matter of survival.
After that I just always enjoyed hanging around guys. I understood what they were saying and how to talk to them (in monosyllabic words and grunts-Never NEVER do the girly excitement voice to a guy unless you have been dating them for at least a month. Then it is endearing). I knew all the sports scores because I had to watch ESPN Sportscenter every morning with my brothers as we got ready for school. I knew how to talk sports (esp. college football) because if I didn't then no one would talk to me in the fall.
Worst of all, being around my brothers (who are younger) and caring what they thought (they really were my best friends), made me not want to make them notice the stuff that made them say, "EWWWWW."
What made them say, "EWWWWW" or openly mock me:

-Acting like I liked boys
-hair products
-dresses that had a hemline above the knee
-tank tops
-lots of pink
As you can see these are things that normal teenage girls get into...and I did not. I always liked them from a far but mocked them with the guys I hung out with. I told them that it seemed silly to did a lot of things that teenagers did (drinking, smoking, disobeying your parents) and I wouldn't do them.
I would put on a little make up at school after my mom dropped us off. Not because my mom didn't allow my brothers wouldn't make comments. My mom would beg me to wear more make up for dances and recitals, would try to get me girly dresses and jewelry. The damage was done. Those things were "too girly" and I was not going to be a girly girl, a princess, a diva. I didn't want them bedazzeled on my clothes and I didn't want to be called that.
I still don't. But slowly and surely, I have liked how different make up makes me look better (SHOCK!). I like playing with the colors and styles. I also have a minor obsession with obtaining the perfect-shampoo-commercial hair. Of course, I did this in my own nerdy way: Do research, experiment, analyze, and perfect.
You might be saying to yourself, "Alex, what's the point?" Well the point is that even though I was a tomboy, I have been accepted to write on the online magazine Blissfully Domestic. I will be mainly writing beauty pieces. So in the upcoming months, I will be picking your brains about what products you like, what issues I should explore, and what treatments you want to see an ex-tomboy try out. Because I will be doing this like I do everything else: research (read what the experts say), experiment (flub my klutzy ass through beauty procedures), analyze (criticize myself), and write (about my imperfect mess of a life trying to not be a tomboy).
So come check me out next week, when I start writing over there once a week. Wish me luck...this is more nerve wracking that guest blogging for McMommy.
I was the only girl with two brothers too! When I FINALLY went out on a date, I remember, that brown tone lipstick was in (I NEVER wore make up) so I put some on. I walked in and right in front of my date, one of my brothers was like, "Why are your lips black?"
Congrats on the new writing gig!
Good luck on the writing gig!!! I'm sure you'll do fabulous. I can't wait to check it out next week!
That is SO flippin' AWESOME!!!!!!!! I'm so excited with you!
Please,please, have to tell the beauty world the secret to the world's best lip gloss:
nipple cream.
i'm tagging you... :-) check out my blog.
How fun re: the writing gig!
I have been a tomboy my entire life but find myself buying pink clothes lately. Because they go so well with my RED hair. Sigh....
congrats on your new gig! I shall be sure to check it out religiously. I'll even write into them daily to tell them that you are by far the best writter they have. (I'll write more glowing things for an extra 20 bucks)
I second mcmommy's suggestion... nipple cream ROCKS as lip gloss. And baby lotion is fantastic after shaving, no sting at all.
Whoo-hoo! on the writing venture! That is SO cool! I can tell you are going to be GREAT at it :)
I was middle of the road tomboy... I wasn't hardcore, but I was no girly-girl either. I played football in the backyard, had a pet snake (ewww now!) and didn't wear dresses unless I was under duress. But now... I'm making up for lost time! :)
Congrats on the writing gig! How exciting.
I grew up with two younger brothers as well. Also, our closest family friends had three boys, so I understand completely about what you're talking about. I never called myself a tomboy, although I'm sure my mom would disagree, I just always said I was a "guy's girl". I don't mind getting dirty and talking about sports.
Congrats on the new gig! That is wonderful!
I'll have to bookmark the page and visit often - when it comes to beauty products I get myself in a rut becasue I'm afraid to spend the money to try something new. But I DO have a few items that I recently discovered that rock my world... and they came from waaay unlikely sources.
Yay YOU!!
Here by way of POW's
So, so cool!!!! I can't wait to read your pieces.
I found you through McMommy and can so resonate with what you are saying! I always hung out with the guys and now I have my own business selling health and wellness products in the form of skincare, makeup, haircare and almost everything you put on or in your body. Crazy! I would be happy to share with you why our products have changed my life and the life of my family. They are amazing. Thanks for your post!
I'm coming at you through McMommy's POW list. Good luck with your new writing gig!
I grew up with 3 older brothers and lots of boy cousins so I was sort of a tomboy for a while too. I finally gave up my ways and went "girly" at about age 16 and haven't looked back since! ; )
honey you are going to be FAMOUS!! well i guess in my world you kinda already are...but now the rest of the world will know your coolness :)
lucky world!!
Love your blog. Congrats on the new gig!
And happy POW!
I have done a complete 180 since I moved to California and found out that my flannel shirts prevented me from getting good service in a lot of places, lol. My college friends were shocked to discover my new love for skirts and makeup. But the inner tomboy will still always be there.
congrats on the new writing assignment! you totally deserve it! love your blog!
Little miss celeb! :) That is awesome!
im starting to get worried... no new post on here!
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