Monday, November 30, 2009

She's Out

Well the unknown baby is a Girl!

I totally guessed wrong.

She came in at a whopping 8 lbs and 14 ounces. I might post some of the labor stuff over here later but miraculously I have forgotten the bad stuff!

If you count the start of labor from the water breaking, then I was in labor for 31 hours. I went the "natural route" until a 12:30am epidural at 7-8cm. I would like to say that I would have continued natural if I wasn't so tired, but it HURT! And I was not happy that I was becoming impolite. With the third change of nursing staff, I was getting upset that a whole shift would see me being mean and surly. Now, I know that it isn't THAT big a deal and I "shouldn't" care...but I do. And I felt better being able to say "thank you" for checking my stats, "no thank you" for do you need anythings, and generally feel like a person. Cause right before the epidural I could barely get a grown out as a yes or no.

Kdubs is doing fine...Very tired. Even though, he knows he has gotten more sleep than me.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Progress II

Water broke at 2:30 am.

Contractions are around every 7 minutes or so.

We are just chillin' at the house until the contractions get closer together!

Hope the baby is doing okay in there!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

As i Contract

Right now, I am contracting like crazy, but I never know if it is going to be the real deal or die down in a bit.

But with this being Thanksgiving week and the end of the pregnancy, I thought I would write down some quick thoughts on how thankful I am for this pregnancy.

This pregnancy has been wonderful, especially what I hear from other people's pregnancies. I had very little morning sickness, the preggo hormones seemed to do good things for me (I was less volatile or moody than my usual monthly hormone jag), and I really felt good for the most part. I liked feeling this baby grow inside me. I liked feeling it move.

However, I kept my distance emotionally throughout this pregnancy. I didn't want to get attached, to feel too blessed and have it taken away. But I don't care now...seeing those pictures yesterday and realizing how far I've grown (physically and mentally), I've lost a lot of my fear about this change in my life. And I just feel blessed.

Kdubs and I have reconnected in a great way. I am feeling ready to have this challenge and blessing with him.
And I didn't feel this way on my due date (chock it up to God's timing, huh?).

Sorry, if this was cheesy and corny...I don't get this way often so you'll just have to deal until my sarcasm comes back.

Monday, November 23, 2009


So I have dialated 1 more centimeter....bringing the grand total to 3!
Evidently the cervix is still thick so there might be some Cervadil in my future.

Next week, we will start talking about induction.
They did the biophyscial ultrasound, and the baby looked great!

Lots of fluid, good blood movement through the umbilical cord, baby is practice breathing great, and the tech said s/he looks good.

they also did a 3D ultrasound for free. Now, i typically think these pictures seem worthless and weird looking but I love these pictures!!!!

Check out those cheeks...they are killing me!

these lips are totally KW

his/her tongue was coming out the whole time! Just like dad!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

No baby yet

Still no baby!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

In Athens

So we are officially in Athens (the city of my midwife and my hospital).
Waiting for this baby to make its appearance.

I can't call anyone on the phone because they think I am calling to say I'm in labor.
It is a bit annoying, but I'm glad they are excited.

I am contemplating going full on with the "lets-get-this-baby-out" campaign.
I do not want to have this baby in December, but I don't know if I am ready to smoke this baby out yet.

It is a little scary to say, "I'M READY! LET'S GO!"

Kdubs and I are doing much better. It is nice to be back on our own again and not relaying our lives around my parents. As much as I love my parents and they have been taking great care of me, I have relied on them throughout Kw's absence, and it was hard to stop relying on them and go back to my husband. 6 weeks will do that, I think. Other people can and have done this and longer, but I don't think anyone can do it without some problems re acclimating to each other.

tomorrow is the due date...Maybe I will have an "on-time" baby.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Getting Ready for the Real Deal

So we are 6 days away from our due date. And I feel that we could go to the hospital at any moment.
I have been having more and more contractions every day.
They have not been consistent and stop after I change positions or drink some water.

For some reason, I just think this is going to happen soon.

My midwife is on call this weekend, so I would be pleased as punch to have it this weekend so I don't have to disturb her after her on call weekend. I don't like to be rude, but I might be rude and insist she be there for this.

One of my fears is that we are still at my parents house, which is an hour away from the hospital. So, I want to give myself plenty of time to get to the hospital but I'd like to labor at home for as long as possible. Ideally, we'd hang out in my brothers house in Athens as soon as the contractions got going...but who knows how everything will play out.

KW is home, but to be honest we are having a more difficult time adjusting to each other after 6 weeks apart. I have gotten used to being on my own, he has gotten used to not dealing with typical (and some untypical) girl issues. Hopefully, we can get reconnected before the baby comes. Which means we better hurry if this baby comes tonight.

I wish I knew what true labor and contractions were like. I'm sure I'll find out but I just want to reassure myself that this isn't the real deal.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Posting again

Ken finally came home.
And he was very sick.

And he just left again.
And now I am sick.

This was an unexpected trip.
And I am not happy about it.

It has been a tough week with him home. Jet lag, sick, getting him ready to leave again.
I have not been a happy camper.

I am nervous about going into labor without him here.
So I am just going to think happy thoughts about baby staying put until the weekend.