The number two question we are asked (after "when is the due date?") is "Do you know what you are having?"
And we get a very strong reaction on both sides when we say, "oh, we're not finding out till it comes out!" or "we're going to be surprised."
People like my mom and brothers say things like, "How can I buy things if we don't know the gender?!?" "How are you going to be surprised...are you surprised by a coin toss...WOHOO! It's TAILS!" "Ugh, I couldn't wait to find out!"
Other people like my midwife and my mother-in-law are very enthusiastic about not knowing. They think it is great fun.
Really we decided on this for a couple of reasons:
1.) I think it will give me an extra reason to push! and I love surprises but always spoil them.
2.) I am the most impatient person in the world and thought that if I could test my patience with this that I may actually have some patience in me somewhere!
3.) I think it is more fun to tell people on the birthday..."Its a BOY/GIRL! and we've named it ________" rather than having everything picked out and saying, "So, ________ is here." (I know it is silly and small but it is something that I want to have for my first pregnancy at least.)
4.) Even if we didn't tell people a name, I didn't want to be
smug and tell people: "yeah, we know but we're not telling."
5.) I like being difficult and doing things my own you couldn't tell that about me.
6.) Kdubs didn't care about knowing so that made the decision even easier. If he wanted to know or wanted to find out without me...I would totally buckle down to pressure.
7.) I also have heard that if you don't know that you get more practical gifts for showers, which is great. And since I don't know where we will be when this baby is born, I don't want to be moving a bunch of extra baby stuff. And not knowing the gender has really tempered my mom's desire to spoil this kid already.
So did you find out? What were the benefits in your mind either way?