Thursday, October 22, 2009

A week to go!

At this time (hopefully) a week from now (God willing) KW will be home!!!

A whole month apart...I can't believe it.

Actually, a whole week has to move quickly enough not to drive me crazy and then I will not believe that I have made it!!!

I'd like to say that I handled this separation with grace and dignity, but I have not. I have moped and pouted and created ridiculous arguments. Why? Because it is easier to fight on Skype than have the ability to try and recreate our normal relationship over "new media." Since we can only talk at 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon his time (8 or 9 my time)-prime working time for him or 11pm to 1am-his prime sleeping time, we do not get to have great talks. Also, as many people in a relationship for almost 10 years can attest, some of the best times we have is just sitting around talking about stupid things that our on your mind, and I have a hard time doing that spontaneous talking during pre-scheduled times. So we have taken to fighting over stupid things just to feel like our conversations aren't "so how are you doing..." "what did you eat today..." etc.

It is sad.

I know.

And I can barely wait for it to be over!


amanda said...

you can do it honey!!!

thinking of you...

Karen Perez said...

You're almost there! I did the same thing to JCPF when he spent the whole summer away with Blackstone. Will be praying for you lots this week.

Plus, it's not your fault you're moping and fighting - this is legitimately hard AND you can always blame the preggo hormones.


Stephanie said...

I seriously understand my friend. Especially with the pointless fighting.. We did much of that the month before I came to Brazil. He was here, I was home, and we were both frustrated. Things will be much better when you are together again :) Good luck with everything!!

Stephanie said...

I seriously understand my friend. Especially with the pointless fighting.. We did much of that the month before I came to Brazil. He was here, I was home, and we were both frustrated. Things will be much better when you are together again :) Good luck with everything!!

E said...

Woo hoo, he will be home before you know it, and hopefully...I will have a baby before you know it, too! :)

The Mrs. said...

time apart sucks. no two ways about it. hope this week flies by for you!

Buffalo Betty said...

I suggest reinstating date night on the 10th of every month as soon as he gets home! You promised each other... :)