Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wives Without Children

So as many of my 3 loyal readers know, I don't have any kids. I go through periods of being okay with it and sometimes I'm not so much.

But it does bring to mind that there are several bloggers out there that are not part of the mom blogs but are looking forward to being moms. We are not the type that scream, "I am single and lovin' it" but we also are trying to appreciate the time that God gives us with our childless lives.

Whether we be women waiting for a child naturally, planned, adoption...we are typically waiting...for God to make us ready or patient for His timing.

I read a LOT of mom blogs trying to get "pearls" of wisdom about parenting, but I end up being crazy scared about parenting/birthing from all the "horror" stories.

Thankfully, I have a great friend who always talks me down from my freakin' out ledge and makes me smile.

So, I put it out there to all three of you...did you know you were ready for a baby, did you plan for it, what are you doing/did you do in the meantime?

(I am foreseeing a series of posts about be forewarned)


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

With both my 1st and 2nd, it was a surprize. With number one it happened. I got on (BC) birth control, talked about having a second, got off and then literally the next week prego. With the next three tries it was intentional. All I got preg immediatley but lost all three in a row...then along (finally) came J Smooth my last. And actaully the only one we actually planned. Prayer. Lotsa prayer. But also I didnt stress about it, I pput it into Gods hands and felt I needed to let happen to His will.

E said...

I don';t have kids, but I am getting closer to being ready. Of course, that is what I say right at this moment. I am not sure you're really every ready!

Living to Love said...

I've always been a nurturer..for me it was the plant, the dog,,ok I handled those well...ready for some kiddos ;o)

McMommy said...

Oh no! I really really hope that if you've been reading my blog, I'm not scaring you!! Sure...I use my blog as an outlet to "vent" about alot of kid-rearing related things.....but I tell ya....those little arms wrapped around my neck feel sooooooooo good! My first born wasn't planned but my second born was. I THOUGHT I was ready for a baby...and a second baby...but seriously, you just can't prepare! You learn as you go :)

Anonymous said...

We were married five years before our first child was born; the year before I got pregnant, we thought we were ready. My best friend from college, her husband and their PRECIOUS 9 month old came for a visit. Cassie and I wanted to go shopping; the guys wanted to play golf. None of us wanted to take care of the baby. NOT BECAUSE SHE WASN'T STINKIN' ADORABLE, but because we wanted to do "grown up things".

After that w/e visit, we decided we weren't ready and stayed on BC a year longer. I'm certain it was the right decision based on the amazing creatures I gave birth to later.

I can't imagine if I had been a blogger reading all the stuff that's "out there" back definitely would've messed with my mind...

We REALLY enjoyed our time without kids and I would encourage you to travel even when you think you can't afford it (don't go into debt!!). It gets a whole lot harder after babies come...and while I have no regrets, I don't think I understood that.
