Saturday, December 02, 2006

Its beginning to look alot like Christmas

So we set up the apartment for Christmas. We couldn't find our christmas oranment box when we home for Thanksgiving, so we just have the six ornaments we got from Bronner's (which I thought that I had already blogged about, but I will definately do that soon) on my 3 foot pre-lit tree from Wal-mart. I also made the wreath! Pretty cool, huh? It was the charlie brown wreath at the store, and it was super-cheap! So I added the cheap ribbon (that just so happens to match my wrapping paper scheme-yeah thats right I have a paper color scheme!) I am getting excited about Christmas (which in case you don't know hasn't really happened before).


T.S. Eliot said...

So cute! This is the first year I really got into decorating too... No Christmas tree though, just lights our front and pretty stuff on the mantle. (yes! I have a mantle!)

BooMama hosting a Christmas Open house December 15th if you want to join in! should be merry old time :-)

Anonymous said...

I really like the cloth you have under your tree, too. That's a good idea!

I wanted to deck out the house today too. But Paddy thinks it's way to early... spoilsport!

Next week though!