Monday, March 03, 2008

I Failed

I failed at something at work (well...not technically yet, but I will be 9am tomorrow)...without going into boring details, I was supposed to set up a conference for high school students at the law school...

I let things slide
I procrastinated
I thought the high school counselors I talked to could get their students together
I thought I could pull it together no problem (while those who did it last year said it would be tough)

...needless to say, I slung out my pride and said, "I can do it better and with less effort than you!" And I failed or I am in the midst of failing...

and I hate that.

I hate being wrong or doing wrong or disappointing people.
And I did it all.

I'll try to wax light soon and find the funny in this situation.


E said...

I am sure you didn't fail as miserably as you make it sound. Secondly, crap happens! I think you're great!

E said...

I am sure you didn't fail as miserably as you make it sound. Secondly, crap happens! I think you're great!

Unknown said...

I hate the feeling of failing at something - but we are ALWAYS harder on ourselves than most people would be - so maybe you didn't fail as bad as you think you did :) I hope that helped!